Short & Long Term Disability Benefits in Jacksonville
While employers are not required to provide disability, pension and retirement plans for their employees, they get tax benefits if they do. In exchange for those tax benefits, they must meet certain standards for funding and managing those plans. In 1974, Congress passed the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) in order to make sure that benefits promised to employees were there when they needed them.
Today’s employers often offer short term disability benefits and long term disability benefits. These benefits are most frequently promised to you in exchange for premiums paid by you or your employer through insurance coverage.
If your health is making it difficult for you to keep working, contact us to discuss your disability. Michael Halkitis will advise you on how to proceed: review of documents, consultation, or representation. If you have already filed a claim for disability benefits and have been denied, contact us for an initial interview. Did you receive a letter denying your benefits?
If you or a loved one is on short-term disability and is considering or is forced to apply for long-term disability insurance coverage, it is important to file a Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) claim.
Even if you are not presently obligated to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits, it can make your provider much easier to work with if he or she sees you are doing due diligence, even if you do not obtain benefits at your hearing. It is more likely that your carrier will continue to pay long-term benefits, and it many cases it is in fact obligatory and is expressed in the contractual information for long-term disability plans.
When filing this application, it is extremely beneficial to obtain a skilled lawyer to help ensure that you make the optimal moves for long-term financial well-being.
Jacksonville Short-Term Disability Lawyer
Michael Halkitis has many years of SSDI experience. He is ready to help you take the ideal steps toward obtaining benefits if you are currently receiving short-term or long-term disability payments and are seeking to apply for SSDI benefits.
Because we put a premium on hands-on representation and fully understanding our clients’ situations, we are ready to understand all issues you are dealing with and to do everything possible to put our experience to work in securing a best-possible outcome.
Please visit Jacksonville employment attorney for more details.