Florida is an “At-Will” Employment State
Employees in Florida work “at-will,” which means they can be terminated from their position for any reason at any time. However, the “at-will” nature of the job also allows employees to choose to leave their respective jobs at any time. At-will employees who have been terminated by their employers may claim unemployment benefits, depending on the conditions of the termination.
An exception to “at-will” employment is a situation where employer and employee have agreed to terms outlined in a contract. An employment contract dictates the conditions of employment, including how and for what reasons an employee may leave or be terminated from his or her job. In either of these instances, retaining the services of experienced employment attorneys can help streamline the process and make all terms in the contract clear. Labor lawyers can also assist in drawing up contracts or creating publications for company guidebooks and procedural manuals.
Labor and employment law in the State of Florida addresses a wide variety of concerns for employers and employees. Halkitis Law PLLC offers legal advice to help resolve labor and employment law issues. Some of these include:
> Employment Discrimination Claims
> Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
> Overtime, Wage and Hour Disputes
> Retaliation
> Wrongful Termination/Discharge
> Disability Benefits
> Family & Medical Leave
> Workers’ Compensation
> Personal Injury
Prevent Problems in the Workplace
A proactive approach to labor and employment law offers the best results for both employers and employees. For employers, following proper procedures prevents many common legal issues from arising. For employees, labor and employment attorneys can offer advice before contracts are signed to ensure the employee will be treated fairly while working. Our Florida labor and employment attorneys offer objective legal assistance to help resolve employer and employee concerns. Some legal issues are time sensitive or involve complex rules. Be sure to contact an experienced personal injury attorney Jacksonville FL and employment lawyer in Florida to obtain legal advice quickly.